To avoid dissatisfaction - work on ways to increase power

Increase power in a man at home

Absence or weak power is a problem that many men face. A similar deviation can be observed both in youth and in adulthood.

The question of restoring power is not easy. This is due to the fact that an absence or weak erection can be related to a variety of factors.

And the main difficulty lies in identifying exactly what caused the disorder. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended that you get tested to find out the factor in the development of the deviation.

The reasons for the reduction of erectile function in men in young and oldIntense emotional overload is the cause of power problemsage

Most of the time, the power is weakened as a result of strong or prolonged emotional overload.. . .

As a result, many biochemical processes change. There is also general fatigue of the body, due to which there is no "force" to start sexual intercourse.

Prostatitis is a common cause of older men. In such cases, not only is sexual desire reduced, but the sexual intercourse itself brings discomfort and pain. The same goes for adenomas, cancer and other prostate diseases.

Alcohol intake also affects erection. In particular, it reduces the conduction of neurons, which makes it difficult for a man to achieve sexual arousal. Smoking can also lead to loss of strength. In this case, it is due to a violation of the work of blood vessels - they become narrower and blood does not flow well into the penis.

Alcohol consumption negatively affects a man's erectile function

There are many factors that can affect power. Here are just a few of them:

  • problems with CVS.
  • Diabetes;
  • Brain injury (such as concussion)
  • poor quality food etc.

Principles for dealing with disability at home

Self-correction of any more or less severe deviation is highly discouraged. Home treatment can only be performed if the problem has just occurred and is poorly expressed. In all other conditions, you should see a doctor.

It is often possible to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system if you follow these recommendations:

  • give up alcohol;
  • stop drinking coffee.
  • arranging food and sleep.
  • increase in physical activity;
  • get rid of stress (for example, try meditation).

When the reduction in power is the result of a wrong lifestyle, applying the above recommendations almost always helps.

Exceptions are cases where a poor quality of life has caused some kind of pathology. This often happens, for example, with alcoholism. In these situations, it is guaranteed that it will not work to correct the situation yourself.

Delaying a doctor's visit will make the problem worse.

What medications do you need to improve a weak erection?

Taking medicine that increases male potency

In addition to normalizing his lifestyle, a man may try to take special medications.PDE-5 inhibitors are most often used when there are power problems.. . .

The principle of their work is quite simple - they increase blood flow to the penis, because of this, the penis becomes hard and erect.

Another option is drops. There are many varieties of these tools. Some of them act in the same way as the pills, while others normalize the work of the central nervous system. The most popular formulation of this form is ginseng tincture.

Used when a bad erection is due to psychological factors. Such drops improve the emotional state, eliminate stress and increase physical activity. A similar effect is given by lure-based drugs.

Ointments for activity are another popular medicine. Many of them are based on glycerin trinitrate, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels - it dilates them, resulting in improved blood circulation.

Supplements that help treat erectile dysfunction

Dietary supplements that help normalize the sexual function of men

There has been a debate about the effectiveness of special additives in the medical environment for many years. Therefore, their effect has not yet been proven.

However, some men claim that nutraceuticals have helped them to normalize their sexual function.

The corresponding preparations contain some vitamins important for strength: PP and E, as well as a metal responsible for stimulating the production of testosterone - zinc.

Vitamins that help restore sexual drive

Foods High In Vitamin PP Help Men Improve Erection

The most important organic compounds for activity are two: PP and E.

The former is essential for erection, as it is involved in fat metabolism - it lowers cholesterol and also increases vascular permeability. Rather, vitamin E is important for prevention.

The body needs it to prevent capillary fragility. That is, the power depends to a large extent on how well the blood flows through them.

Zinc - this substance is necessary for the male body to produce enough testosterone. That is, this hormone determines how strongly a person feels sexually aroused.

How to increase libido in men with diet?

The nut in a man's diet will increase testosterone levels

Health depends on what is eaten.A diet with a weak erection mainly includes the use of parsley and nuts.

They increase testosterone levels. Fresh cabbage has the same effect. Many people now suffer from a lack of saturated fatty acids, which also affect strength.

Therefore, in order to improve the quality of sexual life, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fish (sea), oils (olive and / or flaxseed) and various seeds.

How to improve strength with exercise?

Running is a great exercise for improving a man's strength.

Exercise is important for an erection. First, it produces testosterone.

And secondly, more importantly, it speeds up blood circulation. To improve strength, almost any exercise is suitable: running, push-ups, sports games, etc.

For the result to be high, you need to exercise daily.

Massage to stimulate and increase traction

Now on the Internet and in specialty stores, you can buy many different massages that help improve strength. During the process of their use, firstly, sexual arousal is achieved and, secondly, the blood circulation in the penis is improved.

Emotional release as a method of restoring men's health

Exercise helps relieve stress. As a result of the competition, a large amount of energy is released.

Meditation is very effective. It activates the center of recognition of meaning, during which it is impossible to feel stress.

Traditional medicine recipes that will help you get rid of male problems

Ginger tincture - a folk remedy for men's health

One of the most popular folk remedies is ginger tincture.To do this, you need to buy 400 grams of ginger from the store, rinse it and chop it.

Pour the shavings with half a liter of vodka. Boil for 2-3 weeks. Take 30 g of the product 30 minutes before dinner.

Another remedy is nettle decoction. It is done simply - a tablespoon of dried leaves of this plant is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and covered with a lid. The liquid is then infused for 60 minutes. The resulting drug is used before meals for 1 tbsp.

Another option is to throw all the peeled cloves from 1 head of garlic with 300 grams of vodka.

After that, the container with the agent is placed in a dark place for 3 days.

When the prescribed time has elapsed, the resulting drug is used in a spoon three times daily before meals.

For prostatitis, soda and herbal tinctures are used more often. Burdock, firewood and plane trees can be used as a last resort.

Surgical ways to restore poor erectile function

The operation is performed when there is a serious physiological pathology. The specificity of the intervention is determined by the type of disease. For example, with an adenoma or cancer, a tumor is removed from the prostate.

How to quickly increase activity before sexual intercourse?

The two easiest ways to get an erection in a short time are to use drugs and special devices.

To prevent the development of pathology, it is recommended to abandon bad habits, to normalize diet and exercise. This significantly reduces the chance of disability and other pathologies.

As erection problems can be caused by various factors, it is recommended to spend 1-2 hours to visit a specialist. It will state the exact reason for the discrepancy so that appropriate action can be taken.